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Kyoshi Tony Blake

6th Dan Kyoshi Judo, 6th Dan JuJitsu, 6th Dan Budo

Tony started Judo at the age of 8yrs, progressing through the ranks and achieving 2nd kyu before joining the army as a boy soldier. He went on to achieve 1st kyu while in the army and he was in the army judo team for 6 years. Leaving the army after 13 years, he trained at the Budokwai for many years before joining Shinto Ryu under the directions of senseis Tudor Box and Michael Driver. He stayed with the club and reached his final grades and became head of the club and director of judo for the Yodokan Association.

Although latterly he had problems with his health, he was always present as the inspirational leader of Yamabushi Yodokan. Sadly, after a short final illness, he died in January 2018. He is fondly remembered and sadly missed by current and former club members and by his wider circle of friends in Budo.

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